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大家在看全能神医 开局废了,我开启最强进化 一剑一酒一乾坤 超级基因猎场 一夜封神 落草为寇?我打造基业 长生:我修炼没有瓶颈 绝斩之帝 修真万年归来 九州河山皆华夏 
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The zombie rushed towards Wang Qiang, and there were already dozens of remnants in the air. These remnants were as real as reality in the darkness, making it difficult for people to distinguish.

Others need to distinguish, but Wang Qiang doesn't need to distinguish. Because my intuition has already determined the assault route of the scaled armor zombie, all I need to do is swing a knife and cut it off.

The black light skyrocketed, and the blade arm erupted into a blade that slashed horizontally. The oning scale armored zombie's speed was extremely fast, as if it had hit the blade.

With a sound of card erasing, the armored zombie was directly cut in two by the waist!

The upper body of the scaled armor zombie has been trapped in the air, tearing open its teeth and claws from the air, while its lower body still maintains its speed and sprints towards Wang Qiang.

Wang Qiang was also coquettish, stepping forward with a big step, and the lower body that ran towards the zombie was kicked, and the lower limb of the zombie that flew was directly kicked into the sky.

The gunner who was operating a machine gun on the distant rooftop was suddenly hit by an object and fell with a loud cry.

Next door to Nima Lei, who threw the garbage... "cursed from the battlefield.

Wang Qiang was unaware.

At this moment, Wang Qiang kicked the lower body of the zombie away with one kick, puffed up his momentum, and the other hand held a knife arm and chopped it down, killing the upper body of the zombie!

The body of the zombie being scratched in the air had not yet landed on the ground when it was struck by a knife arm.

Blood splattered horizontally, black light splashed, and the scaled zombie was directly cut into two pieces!

After finishing work, Wang Qiang inserted his knife arm back into his backpack, leaving a scaly zombie body that had been cut into pieces, still trembling in the air.



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