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大家在看凡人修仙,苟成魔头很合理吧 帝霸 剑主八荒 无限升级之最强召唤 玄幻百亿补贴:细狗变地狱三头犬 神级无上帝尊 在必死的玄幻游戏中破局 不死战神 韩娱之硕 我不想杀成神啊 
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第1章 黎亚历纪

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The black cat stood on the eucalyptus stand and wagged its tail. He reportedly handed over a statue of a decapitated official in military uniform and a statue of a Zen monk draped in blood-yellow cloth. He looked at him, looked back indifferently, and slowly backed away. In the darkness, he slowly closed his glowing golden eyes.

At this time, Urien finally realized that there was no main deity carved in this shrine, only two guardian statues with broken limbs on the left and right, and there were no so-called offerings.

That's funny!

Why is there a special shrine inside the store if it doesn't enshrine a god? If they worship God, why are they treated with such contempt?

Yu Lianyun felt that the store was unusual, just like the products inside.

Hearing the young man's words, Yu Lianyun only thought that the young man was an employee of the store. He shook his head and asked, "Isn't the boss here?"

The young man lowered his eyebrows, straightened his eyebrows, looked a little disappointed, and said, "My name is Linlin, boss."

Only then did Yu Lianyun realize that he had misunderstood, and immediately apologized.

``Drink some tea and rest. You must have sweated a lot.'' Ling Ling smiled gently. It gave off a faint scent, the kind of fireworks Yu Lianyun had only smelled in Taoist and Buddhist temples. Although they burn incense, Yu Lianyun has never seen an incense burner in the house. The smell seemed to e from inside the young man's body.

Yu Lianyun wanted to refuse, but when she remembered that the young man had said that he was sweating, she couldn't help but be surprised. Only then did I understand why my body had bee so heavy. The strange illness that had been plaguing him lately wasn't getting any worse. However, his sweat soaked his thick cotton clothing, making it heavy and "mushy" and extremely unfortable to wear.



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站内强推风水秘闻实录 京剧大师:我从龙套开始捡属性 如意如意,顺吾心意 朱门嫡谋 遭遇家暴男?三拳送他见太奶 东谭西谭 侯府主母觉醒后,这个破家她不当了 幻雪圣帝 校花女友出轨,我转身娶了白富美 穿越之逆天长公主 读我心后,顾总天天努力造娃 无限之轮回曙光 重生从强吻绿茶开始 锦绣清宫:四爷,脑洞大 穿书后,我在娱乐圈养老爆红了 超神女剑神 论河豚的一百种使用方法 九仙帝皇诀 快让开!那个女孩是我的 穿越之女当家 
经典收藏洪荒降临之最强玩家 玄幻:修行从拿下师姐开始 开局废了,我开启最强进化 震惊!我的徒弟居然是女帝 全民领主:我被剑仙师尊盯上了 穿越后,系统变成白噪音了怎么办 霸宠绝色太子妃 天地大荒 别人修仙我种田 浅雪无痕 全球降临:签到浮空岛 穿越之老子是皇帝 洪荒:金乌凌天,开局搭救女娲 第五封禁 妖魔别吃我 卦凌九天 西游小师叔,我有一座功德塔 看到真相后,九位女帝懊悔万分 林羽西游传 女扮男装百变少主 
最近更新丹道天赋为零?可我有气运加持啊 你们再脑补,我真成大帝了! 玄幻:开局混沌剑体,我无敌了! 深渊,起点归途 我在异世界做咸鱼大侠 逆世仙途:废品铸道 穿梭万界,我收集各色女神 除妖,向妖再借五百年 从乌鸦开始的玄幻之路 灵幻大帝 万古炼神录 灵耀传奇之诸界征途 人世剑 抓我壮丁没说话,我成武圣你哭啥 合欢宗:从曹贼开始的日常修仙 开局妖女送邪功,但我免疫副作用 蜇灭 都穿越了当然做魔头 不是吧?才一岁你让我带家族逆袭? 重生黑毛野猪:开局就吞单人旁 
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