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第1章 黎亚历纪

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They could only piece together a general location based on information gleaned from netizen ments on the Internet, and then use only the most primitive methods of finding it: using their eyes and imagination.

The stone steps have no hand guards and are narrow. When Yu Lian Yunruo tries to climb the stone steps, only half of his foot can walk up the stone steps with each step. It was so dangerous that he had to climb the mountain sideways. Like a worker, a clumsy teddy bear had to hold on to his clothes to keep his balance.

The height of the stone steps is only about 10 meters, but after climbing the stone steps, Yu Lianyun felt that he had used up most of his energy for today, but he did not have time to stop and rest. He revisited what he had written and memorized it. The guide quietly recited, ``Walk 66 steps down the gravel road in the middle, reach the corner, turn left again and continue walking 44 steps, and you will see a small house that bines Chinese and Western styles.''

He followed the guide along the gravel road. He started counting his steps in his head. He first walked 66 steps straight, then turned left and walked 44 steps straight. When I looked up again, the view of the forest had pletely changed.

Not far away I saw a large grasshopper tree growing inside the house, bright and shadowy. In front of the house, eight ghostly willows with twisted branches were planted firmly on the edge of a cold pond. Each willow tree's bark resembled human skin. They were all torn apart, revealing

their "sad faces", as if countless souls who had died an unjust death were tied to the willow tree.

Yu Lianyun’s legs and feet trembled, and her teeth chattered. He was truly afraid that such a simple and majestic castle was hidden deep in the mountains and forests. And when I saw a rustic store sign that was mon in the 2000s placed in front of the mansion. After that, he could no longer doubt the correctness of his journey.



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